Awaken 514 Church Prayer Team Handbook
Our Vision
To help connect people to Jesus Christ through prayer. We will not seek our own will through our own efforts, but we will humbly come before God with a repentant heart seeking His will. We submit to Jesus Christ as the Head of the church and will strive to obey His command that His church should be called a House of Prayer. “…For my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” Isaiah 56:7b
We work toward this vision by providing opportunities to pray with the intent of experiencing God and growing in love for Him. We desire this experience for both the persons praying, and the persons receiving prayer.
Reflects obedience. Paul directed the Romans, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians to pray (Rom. 12:12; Eph. 6:18; Phil. 4:6; Col. 4:2; 1 Thess. 5:17).
Demonstrates dependence upon God. The psalmist declared his dependence on God by asking, “Who do I have in heaven but you?” (Ps. 73:25). Turning to God in prayer reminds us that we are finite while He is all powerful. We need Him; prayer reminds us of that.
Builds trust in God. As we see God answer our prayers, we learn we can trust Him to be God. We see this in Gideon as he took steps that led to greater acts of trust in God. (See Judg. 6-7.)
Opens the door for God alone to be honored. When we pray in faith, we can point to God only as the One who acts on our behalf. It isn’t through our creativity or effort; it is God who does it.
God wants us to talk to him! All the time, and about everything! The largest book of the Bible—Psalms—is filled with prayers to God. Even Jesus prayed to the Father. Talking to God deepens our relationship with him and is the best way to get wisdom, for God reveals himself to us in prayer. Learning how to trust God begins with talking to him. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track” (The Message). Be sure to take time to prepare your own heart through daily prayer, Bible study, worship, etc.
Confidentiality is extremely important when personal information is shared or revealed during prayer time.
Consultation with the overseeing elder or other ministry team members may be deemed necessary at times, but nothing should be discussed which is not essential for dealing with the concern or problem at hand. Under no circumstances is any personal information to be shared or discussed with anyone outside of the prayer team. If a breach of confidentiality is suspected or discovered, there will be a conversation with Anthony and/or the Board, and it may result in your removal from the Prayer Team.
Key Responsibilities and Duties:
The key responsibilities and duties of the team itself include receiving and praying for concerns and requests from individuals in the congregation (whether that is in person or through the Awaken 514 Church App), and also covering the various ministry teams of Awaken 514 Church with prayer and receiving any prayer concerns they may have.
On Sunday morning, please arrive by 10:00 AM so that you can join the others in the cry room for a brief meeting and time of prayer. This will also give you time to visit with the congregation before service, which provides additional opportunities for prayer if needed. (Please make sure at this point that you are wearing your Awaken Serve Team Lanyard.) If it is your Sunday to serve, we ask that you please try to sit near the front of the church. Once the Sermon has concluded, and the Worship Team starts to make their way back to the stage for the closing song(s), that is when the Prayer Team should stand and quietly make their way to the front of the stage. One (or two) team member(s) should gather near the front of stage area over by the cross (or along that wall if no additional chairs needed to be set up that day to give you more space), and one (or two) team member(s) should gather over by the stairs (along the wall where the TV is mounted). This is where you will receive those who come forward for prayer. Please also plan to remain at the church as long as needed after the conclusion of the service to complete your prayer time with those who need it, and to discuss anything that may need follow up with a Pastor or Team Leader.
Guidelines… Dos and Don’ts
Our Vision
To help connect people to Jesus Christ through prayer. We will not seek our own will through our own efforts, but we will humbly come before God with a repentant heart seeking His will. We submit to Jesus Christ as the Head of the church and will strive to obey His command that His church should be called a House of Prayer. “…For my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” Isaiah 56:7b
We work toward this vision by providing opportunities to pray with the intent of experiencing God and growing in love for Him. We desire this experience for both the persons praying, and the persons receiving prayer.
Reflects obedience. Paul directed the Romans, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians to pray (Rom. 12:12; Eph. 6:18; Phil. 4:6; Col. 4:2; 1 Thess. 5:17).
Demonstrates dependence upon God. The psalmist declared his dependence on God by asking, “Who do I have in heaven but you?” (Ps. 73:25). Turning to God in prayer reminds us that we are finite while He is all powerful. We need Him; prayer reminds us of that.
Builds trust in God. As we see God answer our prayers, we learn we can trust Him to be God. We see this in Gideon as he took steps that led to greater acts of trust in God. (See Judg. 6-7.)
Opens the door for God alone to be honored. When we pray in faith, we can point to God only as the One who acts on our behalf. It isn’t through our creativity or effort; it is God who does it.
God wants us to talk to him! All the time, and about everything! The largest book of the Bible—Psalms—is filled with prayers to God. Even Jesus prayed to the Father. Talking to God deepens our relationship with him and is the best way to get wisdom, for God reveals himself to us in prayer. Learning how to trust God begins with talking to him. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track” (The Message). Be sure to take time to prepare your own heart through daily prayer, Bible study, worship, etc.
Confidentiality is extremely important when personal information is shared or revealed during prayer time.
Consultation with the overseeing elder or other ministry team members may be deemed necessary at times, but nothing should be discussed which is not essential for dealing with the concern or problem at hand. Under no circumstances is any personal information to be shared or discussed with anyone outside of the prayer team. If a breach of confidentiality is suspected or discovered, there will be a conversation with Anthony and/or the Board, and it may result in your removal from the Prayer Team.
Key Responsibilities and Duties:
The key responsibilities and duties of the team itself include receiving and praying for concerns and requests from individuals in the congregation (whether that is in person or through the Awaken 514 Church App), and also covering the various ministry teams of Awaken 514 Church with prayer and receiving any prayer concerns they may have.
On Sunday morning, please arrive by 10:00 AM so that you can join the others in the cry room for a brief meeting and time of prayer. This will also give you time to visit with the congregation before service, which provides additional opportunities for prayer if needed. (Please make sure at this point that you are wearing your Awaken Serve Team Lanyard.) If it is your Sunday to serve, we ask that you please try to sit near the front of the church. Once the Sermon has concluded, and the Worship Team starts to make their way back to the stage for the closing song(s), that is when the Prayer Team should stand and quietly make their way to the front of the stage. One (or two) team member(s) should gather near the front of stage area over by the cross (or along that wall if no additional chairs needed to be set up that day to give you more space), and one (or two) team member(s) should gather over by the stairs (along the wall where the TV is mounted). This is where you will receive those who come forward for prayer. Please also plan to remain at the church as long as needed after the conclusion of the service to complete your prayer time with those who need it, and to discuss anything that may need follow up with a Pastor or Team Leader.
Guidelines… Dos and Don’ts
- Pray that God’s will be done in each life. Lay aside your own agenda, opinions, and/or suggestions. Philippians 2: 3-11
- Listen first, then speak, both to the person with whom you are praying, and to the Holy Spirit.
- Wear your Awaken 514 Team Member lanyard / name badge. (new lanyards/tags are located in the Awaken Kids hallway. That is also where you can leave your lanyard each week before you leave if you wish.)
- Put the people at ease. Greet them with a smile and encourage them a lot.
- Dress appropriately—modestly and non-distracting.
- Personal hygiene—check your hair, breath, fingernails.
- Pray in pairs, if possible. If not possible, men pray for men, women for women. If you feel uncomfortable praying for someone for any reason—don’t be afraid to ask for help. This help could be another team member, Anthony (if he is done on stage), Elders, or any other member of Leadership within the Church.
- Always ask permission to put your hands on people, and then limit touch to head, shoulder, or hands if you and the person you are praying for are both comfortable and in agreement. (Just always be mindful regarding touch as there are some people that have been violated by wrong touch.)
- Avoid counseling—listen and pray. If they are talking too much, gently say “What I am hearing you say is you need prayer for ___________; let’s pray about that” and then start to pray. Many people really just need someone to listen to them. Help redirect them to the Lord.
- Pray Biblical prayers such as:
- Come Holy Spirit
- Ask for a deeper revelation of the Father’s love
- Healing of the heart, mind, and emotions
- Freedom from strongholds and addictions
- Pray blessings over their life, family, ministry, work
- Ask God to fill them with His Power
- Ask for the refreshing presence of God (Acts 3:19)
- Pray Bible verses that come to mind.
- You can follow the A.C.T.S. method of prayer if you are struggling with how to pray for a particular person:
- A – Adoration. Begin your prayer in adoration and praise of God.
- C – Contrition. Next, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal our sinfulness and need for God’s mercy and grace. Name to God any sins that have been presented to you that need forgiveness for at this moment.
- T – Thankfulness. Spend some time now thanking God for His gifts, blessings and grace.
- S – Supplication. Lastly, lift up specific cares and concerns to God. Pray for those who may be suffering in any way or experiencing strongholds. Pray for the needs of all people in our church, our community, and throughout the world.
- If you come over to help a fellow prayer team member, be sensitive to the direction in which they have started praying. Be there to support, and don’t try to change the direction of the ministry focus. You may not have all the facts the original hearer has been given. You can discuss ministry techniques after the ministry has been completed!
- DO NOT give out your personal information or agree to meet with anyone privately at a different location.
- Evaluate your time afterwards, give a brief report to your Team Leader and/or Anthony. Alert them of any problems or concerns that you feel they need to be involved with or follow up on. (for example, but not limited to, any form of suspected abuse, self-harm, concerns of mental illness, OR ANYTHING that makes you feel uncomfortable).