because Jesus Loves you

We believe a little kindness can make a difference!
Especially right here at home!

That is why, during Clearfield County fair week we wanted to find creative ways to bring some kindness to you!

Throughout the week we'll be handing out bags for parade onlookers to collect their candy, providing free parking to those who venture downtown and at various fair entrances giving away free tickets to those who attend the fair!

Be sure to look for us and ask us why!

It's nice to meet you!

We believe Jesus wants to do something amazing in your life.

We believe that the church should be a taste of Heaven here on Earth. That as we surrender more of our lives to the way of Jesus, that we will personally experience greater joy in our own lives, while others will get to experience Jesus' life and love through us.

It's our earnest hope that you would experience the transforming power of Jesus and join us on mission to see Jesus bring the hope of restoration in our homes, neighborhoods, and communities.

Join us Sunday's to Celebrate at 10:30 AM behind Buck's Pizza in Clearfield!