The Awaken 514 Church Awaken Kids team serves both parents and kids by creating a safe and fun environment to learn about Jesus. This team is for those who have a passion for seeing the Gospel proclaimed over young lives and enjoy working with kids infant to 4th grade.


Jennifer Taylor, Ministry Development
Leasa Terry, Curriculum & Clearances
Sarah Sanker, Curriculum
Krystina Sipes, Scheduler

Children’s Classes Age Divisions
(Due to the growing size of our congregation, these divisions are subject to change. Adjustments can be made in ages depending on child’s individual intellectual, social and physical abilities. )

Nursery/Cry Room
Infant - 3 Years

Pre K to Kindergarten
3 Years - 6 Years
Leader to Child Ratio –1:4

Elementary Age
1st grade to 4th grade
Leader to Child Ratio 1:6
Any junior helper (between ages 14 to 17) must work with an adult leader.

General Guidelines for all Classrooms

  • Parents/Guardians (must be an adult 18 or over) must sign their child(ren) in via the computerized sign-in system (Check-ins) at the Welcome desk / Check In Kiosk to participate in Children’s church.  Both the adult and child will be given an identification (ID) number using invisible ink on the back of their hand.

  • A child may only be released to the same parent/adult who checked them in, and child and adult must have the same matching ID # on their hand.  

  • If a Team Member at ANY time feels additional help is needed, they should immediately notify the Check In staff member via the Walkie Talkie or Subsplash Church App, or a team leader (Jen Taylor, Sarah Sanker, Leasa Terry, Krystina Sipes).  The Check In person or Team Leader will either stay and help or obtain additional team members for that class. 

  • All Junior helpers must go through a training process with the Awaken Kids Team Leaders before helping in the classroom.

  • Children should not be left alone in the classroom for any reason. If a teacher feels they must leave the classroom they are to first Walkie the other classroom and ask if they have an extra team member that can come over to help.  If the other classroom does not have a 2nd person that day, then Walkie the Check In Person or a Team Leader to come back and assist. 

  • Team Members and parents are the only people allowed in the classroom with the children.  All Team Members must have all their required Background and Criminal Record Checks and have completed the PA State Mandated Reporter Training.  Parents are not permitted to remain in the classroom for the entire service.  If that seems to be what is necessary, recommend the Cry Room until the child is ready.  If they just need a few extra minutes with their parent/guardian, that is fine; but we don’t want to encourage a parent to stay longer than that.  It is too disruptive to the class, and if we do not have their clearances, it is in violation of our policies.

  • Team Members should NOT be on their cell phones or other electronics while children are in the room, unless there is a need to text a Parent / Check In Person / or Team Leader.

  • Team Members should not take pictures of children without parental consent.

  • Foul language is absolutely not permitted.

  • If a Team Member wants to play music for the children, it must be cleared beforehand by the Curriculum Coordinator or another Team Leader.

  • Hands should be washed with soap and water or sanitizing gel:

    • Before handling food or snack (for teacher)
    • Before and after changing diapers (if a child has a dirty diaper, hands should be washed with soap and water only)
    • After helping a child in the bathroom
    • After wiping and blowing noses

Classroom Policies for Younger classrooms (Infant – Kindergarten)

  • Parents who are helping in a classroom may bring their child into the class with them with approval by a Team Leader, provided the Child is not disruptive to the class.

  • Do not knowingly leave a child in a dirty diaper for the duration of the service.

  • Be sure to wipe down the diaper area with sanitary wipes after changing a diaper.

Classroom Policies for Older Classes (Pre-K and up)

  • Once a Child has been checked into their classroom the child is not allowed to leave the class for any reason, except for bathroom use which is up to the teacher’s discretion or if the child is called out by a parent.

  • Children will graduate from a class and advance to the next (if applicable) the Sunday before Labor Day.
Bathroom Policy

All parents will be advised to have their children visit the bathroom before they enter the classroom.  In case a child has a bathroom need during class time, Children in the Pre K classes will have a Parent Preference sheet located in a filing bin on each classroom wall. These sheets state whether parents want their children’s bathroom needs to be handled by the classroom teacher or by the parents themselves.

It is up to the Older Classroom teacher’s discretion whether they will allow a student to go to the bathroom on their own during classroom time.

Child Sickness Policy

Children with any signs of contagious illness or symptoms listed below may NOT be admitted into the classroom:
  • Fever greater than 100 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Severe sore throat (unless strep throat has been ruled out by a doctor)
  • Any substantial unexplained rash (excluding diaper rash)
  • Croup, severe cough, or shortness of breath
  • Childhood illness or virus such as chicken pox, fifth disease, 
  • Measles, mumps, flu, etc.
  • Lice or scabies

Discipline Policy

Parents that have signed their children into Awaken Kids, have agreed to the discipline policy stated:
If a child is showing inappropriate behavior (which is defined as an action that disrupts learning, places another child or teacher in danger or an act of willful disrespect), please follow these steps:

Step 1: Verbal Warning (ONE Warning)

Take the child away from the students.  Get down to their level and lovingly make them aware of their inappropriate behavior.  Explain what appropriate behavior is so the child understands what is acceptable.  (Reference the classroom rules and expectations posted in the classroom)

Step 2: Time Out

Separate the child from the rest of the class and lovingly remind them of their inappropriate behavior. Require them to sit separate from the rest of the class but in full view of the leader for a period of time equal to a minute for each child’s year of life.

Step 3: Contact Parent / Removal from Class

Message the Check In person (or a Team Leader) via the Walkie Talkie or an individual message through the Awaken 514 Church App.  Let them know you are experiencing disruptive behavior and ask for them to please send the child’s parent/guardian back to the classroom.  Once the parent/guardian has come back to class, step outside of the doorway and explain the situation and let them know that their child is being excused from the class and back into their care for the remainder of the service.   This is not a permanent removal - they can come back next week and hopefully will be ready to follow the classroom rules and expectations.  

Child Abuse Policy

Awaken 514 Church supports and maintains a zero tolerance policy against child abuse and neglect. Child abuse and neglect include physical, or mental injury, sexual abuse, verbal abuse, negligent treatment, or maltreatment of any kind.  And, as mandated reporters, we are obligated to report any such treatment that is suspected or brought to our attention.
To report suspected child abuse, you do not need to get approval from a Team Leader - Please use one of the following to report suspected child abuse:
Online:  https://www.dhs.pa.gov/KeepKidsSafe/Resources/Pages/ChildLine.aspx
Or Call ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313

Team Member Scheduling and Attendance:

  • Team Members will be scheduled via the Subsplash Fluro Awaken 514 Church Application .  All Team Members should receive an email well in advance assigning a date for service.  Please try to check your email regularly for these emails and accept or decline the invitation to serve as soon as possible. 
  • Team Members should arrive 15 Minutes before the start of services and remain in the classroom until the start of the service in order to set up the classroom and/or meet any new parents.  

  • If a volunteer is sick and cannot work a week they are scheduled, please put a message out in the Awaken Kids Group in the Church App as soon as possible so a replacement can be found. You may also switch times with another Awaken Kids team member but please start this conversation within the Group chat so that arrangements can be made and all are aware of this change.